Thursday, June 10, 2010

The week past- 4 6 10 to 10 6 10

Hi! you are...well I thought I would let you know what we did last week....Nana nani came at 12.00 pm..n the 4th. Chiniraj was waiting since 3 am in the morning but their train was late....we had nice mangoes and lithchies from Patna.....Dimple aunty and Chicku mama were here for lunch...and they brought nie dhoklas and nimkies and chaklies...which i ate.

5th- In the morning, I did my studies with nani..did handwriting and maths. it was a quiet day. Chutki and I went down to play with the new big didi.

6th - Again I did my studies in the morning with and it rained a bit in the morning. Nani and mummy wrapped my books with brown paper. Dimple aunty came in the afternoon and then nanai nani went to Big Nanis house. Chutki and I went down to play with the new big didi.

7th - Today is nana nanis 46th wedding anniversary. We are not going out...I gave nana nani a nice card that i made in the night for their anni ver sary...and the gift from Simla..Mummy also bought a nice bouquet..In the evening..chicku mama came..later daisy di and cookie mausi and megan came..megan and chutki were wearing the similar frocks....Nana asked chiniraj to buy a nice marker pen to label my books.....

8th- I studied with nani again today. Mummy labelled my books today. We went for a prayer service at Jesus calls with nana nani and mummy and daisy di.

9th- Cookie mausi gave me a nice Hanna Montana bag for scholl - blue colour. Today we went to school..nana nani and mummy told me I am looking pretty in my new school dress. Chutki also wore a blue band and took a photograph with me....Mama came early to pick me up as school closed studies, baba.. Can you believe---we had a looong assembly today....Nana Nani

went for the prayer service again in the evening....Chess teacher late I was waiting for him with the mat and the chess board on the floor for a long time..he told mummy he fell asleep....

10th...Full day of school..Mummy is getting angry with me I went to sleep after 10 30 pm....yesterday...also I gave trouble to eat my breakfast..nani helped me....Mummy came to pick me up..she brought puris for me to eat.... she told me she saw a rainbow while returning in the morning..she showed me the video..awwww I wished I had seen it. Mummy told me dimple auntys family had come home to invite us for the BABY shower on Sunday-13th. Chutki played with Dimple aunty's sisters baby. And mummy pushed me to go for dance class....and she was getting angry i did not sleep in the afternoon..I was playing with bid didi. But I enjoyed the class and watche TV with Nana for some time and then went to sleep at 9 30 pm.....looking forward to friday..Mummy said I need not go to sleep early tomorrow as Saturday is a holiday. ok dad off to sleep now.....more later....give me u a lot and missing you....Chutki was plying daddy be horsie..with her teddy

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